• Registrar
  • Registration Information & Dates
  • Registration Information & Dates



    2024年3月25日星期一- 2024年秋季开始学术咨询

    2024年4月15日星期一- 2024年秋季开始注册



    Advising for students is 3/25/24 to 04/12/24. Schedule an appointment with your adviser early. 咨询会议通常需要半个小时,有时更长.

    使用你的学位审核,学术目录来记录必修课程,以及 秋季课程表,开始你的计划过程. The schedule will be posted on the web on 03/25/24.  给你的导师发一份你想要/需要修的课程的完整清单. 许多顾问要求被顾问在开始咨询前采取这第一步 session.

    咨询会议结束后(必须是面对面的,而不是通过电子邮件,除非你是 你的指导老师会授权你在网上注册. 如果您需要添加需要批准的课程而不是您的顾问,请提交 a course change form.

    Course Change Form - Undergraduate students
    使用此自动表单进行这些注册更改-添加/删除,审核,通过/否 pass, withdrawing from a course. Students seeking permission from an instructor to add a course should also use this form.



    如果你是第一选择,在咨询期间选择其他课程 are full.

    Prerequisites: 你只能注册那些你已经满足要求的课程. 如果你想注册一门课程,并要求放弃先决条件 要求,请填写此链接的表格以获得批准: Course Change Form - Undergraduate students

    Intensive Courses Abroad (ICA): 这些课程需要被录取才能注册. ICA registration will be done by the Registrar’s Office. Make sure you include the ICA credits into the 在线注册时,您可以获得18个学分.

    审计,封闭课程,讲师许可要求: 除了您的指导老师之外,还需要教师的批准才能进行审核,关闭 课程,以及任何要求您获得讲师许可的课程 to enroll. To register, complete the form at this link: Course Change Form - Undergraduate students

    Time Overlap Requests: 如果你想要的课程有重叠,你必须在这个链接上填写表格来获得 approval from both instructors: 课程变更表-本科生-时间冲突

    Independent Work: 对于独立工作,请完成此链接的表格,以便获得顾问,讲师 and program director approval: 课程变更表-本科生-独立作业

    在网上注册时,通过/不通过只能选择所需的课程 be graded as such (PE activity, etc.). Changing from a regular grade to pass/no pass 可以在指定的注册时间后提交课程变更表: Course Change Form - Undergraduate students

    See pass/no pass in the Academic Catalog.

    注册实习需要提交实习学习协议(ILA) 向职业教育办公室(CEO)申请批准(一定要查看截止日期).) After 经首席执行官批准后,将国际注册机构提交注册官办公室登记.

    Registration for senior thesis requires the Senior Thesis Guidelines and Form 提交给副教务长办公室批准(一定要检查截止日期).) 经副教务长办公室批准后,提交高级论文登记表 is submitted to the Registrar’s Office for entry.



    当你登录myGoucher时,你的hold(停止标志)就会出现. 除非取消保留,否则不能进行在线或亲自注册.

    本科生财务责任hold:你可以在你的myGoucher上解决这个hold account.

    所有其他滞留:联系相应的办公室解决任何滞留在您的 比如账单、注册办公室、健康中心、 财政援助,副教务长办公室等., before your assigned registration start day and time.



    注册顺序由学生完成的学分数决定. 学生可以在3月25日或24日在myGoucher上查看指定的开始时间. Online registration will begin on 04/15/24. Registration groups will start in at 7:00 a.m. each morning. Students can continue to make online 日程安排从指定时间更改到8月28日晚上11点59分.m.

    在此日期之后,到24年6月9日,学生仍然可以添加完整学期的课程 the instructor’s and advisor’s approval, or drop 学期课程与导师的批准,通过提交课程变更表.

    Course Change Form - Undergraduate students
    使用此自动表单进行这些注册更改-添加/删除,审核,通过/否 pass, withdrawing from a course. Students seeking permission from an instructor to add a course should use this form.



    Through 09/06/24 11:59 p.m.,学生可以在网上更改课程安排 只有从指导老师那里收到注册的初步批准(批准) is needed one time only). 你的导师会收到一封电子邮件,显示你所做的改变 are made each day they are processed. Closed courses, time overlaps, credit overloads, 审计、独立工作和特别许可课程都需要注册 因为他们需要手动重写,所以需要提交一份课程更改表格. These changes must be made by 09/06/24, at 11:59 p.m. Once a manual override is required for any reason, a manual override will be required for any 随后的时间表改变,这些将不得不提交一门课程 change form.

    Course credit load is 18 credits for all students. See course load in the Academic Catalogue.

    要注册学分超载,你的指导老师必须提交一份 Petition on your behalf 给负责本科研究的副教务长. If approved, the petition will be sent to the Office of the Registrar for entry. 学生将额外收取所有学分的非全日制学费 the limit of 18 credits per semester.

    如果您遇到技术问题,请发送电子邮件到 helpdesk@psozxd.com. 在注册期间,将监视帮助台电子邮件中的问题.


    Current Credits Completed as of October 2023

    Your registration begins:

    85.00 or more credits completed

    Registration Online Starts: 04/15/24 at 7:00 a.m.

    Registration Online Ends: 08/28/24,11:59 p.m.

    51.00 - 84.99 credits completed

    Registration Online Starts: 04/16/24 at 7:00 a.m.

    Registration Online Ends: 08/28/24,11:59 p.m.

    18.00-50.99 credits completed

    Registration Online Starts: 04/17/24 at 7:00 a.m.

    Registration Online Ends: 08/28/24,11:59 p.m.

    0-17.99 credits completed

    Registration Online Starts: 04/18/24 at 7:00 a.m.

    Registration Online Ends: 08/28/24,11:59 p.m.

    Non-candidate students

    Registration Online Starts: 04/19/24 at 7:00 a.m.

    Registration Online Ends: 08/28/24,11:59 p.m.