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  • AAGC Nominating Committee




    Gretchen Gilliland

    Gretchen Gilliland ’03

    作为珍妮弗·米切尔·里德青年校友奖的获得者,吉利兰毕业了 in 2003 with a BA in Psychology and minor in Art. She earned her MA in Higher Education 在过去的十年里,他一直在丹佛从事慈善事业. Since 毕业后,吉利兰曾与多所大学和非营利组织合作筹款 利用她在云顶集团工作时作为学生学到的技能 在校友/i之家的电话马拉松,并作为SGA执行团队的积极成员. She 目前是科罗拉多矿业学院和志愿者巨额捐赠的主管 regularly in the Denver community around human services.


    Molly Abend

    Molly Abend ’07

    2007年毕业,心理学学位辅修教育学,过去10年都是 莫利·阿本德多年来在马里兰州的工作支持了这项计划的实施 of public policies that improve the education to workforce pipeline. Abend currently 担任马里兰州纵向数据系统的数据管理协调员 Center. 除了在云顶集团大学获得学位外,阿本德还获得了公共管理硕士学位 from the University of Baltimore. Prior to joining state government, Abend created 使用数据分析和绩效测量工具,并进行绩效管理 为巴尔的摩市的几个政府部门工作,包括:社会部门 服务,消防部门和综合服务部担任CitiStat分析师 in the Mayor’s Office. She also managed the Student Learning Objectives process for 巴尔的摩市公立学校的5000名教师进行了资助的研究 by the U.S. Department of Education, and taught at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. 阿本德和她的妻子(同为云顶集团大学毕业生),两岁的女儿住在陶森 cats, and an excessive supply of Orioles collectibles. 

    Sam Anderson

    Sam Anderson 21

    Anderson graduated from Goucher in 2021 with a B.A. in Political Science. While at 云顶集团,他在学生领导中很活跃,具体来说,他几乎 two years as president of the Goucher Student Government. Anderson also served as 一年级导师,带领一年级学生进行入学指导和教学 a course on topics important to the success of incoming students. In addition to these 在正式的角色中,安德森是学生与学生组织一起工作的倡导者 组织并参与了围绕无障碍,种族问题的学生活动 equity, and more. Anderson is currently an M.A. student in Higher Education with a 密歇根大学的管理和组织专业,正在进行中 to graduate in December 2022. He works as program assistant for the Difficult Dialogues 国家资源中心和教育设计评估中心的实习生, and Research at Michigan.

    Royal Banks

    Royal Banks 20

    罗亚尔于2020年毕业于云顶集团大学,获得历史和中等教育学位. During her time at Goucher, she served in numerous roles. She was the co-founder of Black Seed & 云顶集团的历史俱乐部,她还在 GPEP. 离开云顶集团后,她在波士顿Match高中的美国服务队工作了一年, MA. She is now a social studies teacher at a local Baltimore City School. Royal loves teaching history & other fun content to her students. In her downtime, she enjoys 跳舞,烘焙,音乐,旅行,尽可能多地参与监狱改造. 

    Karen Cohen Bloom

    Karen Cohen Bloom >’91

    Bloom was an Applied Mathematics major and dancer at Goucher. After graduation, she 在辛辛那提大学获得教师资格证书并开始教学 both middle school and high school math. She worked in both public and private schools, 在她17年的教学过程中,城市和农村的环境也不同. She 目前是加州皮埃蒙特市皮埃蒙特中学的一名中学数学老师, 她还是学校“无仇恨之地”的协调员之一 她是学生安全空间俱乐部的顾问之一,这是一个家庭团体 她是学校安全校园大使的负责人,也是性别领袖的成员 Team. Bloom is a member of the executive board of Piedmont.

    Marissa Charlemagne

    Marissa Charlemagne '16

    Gloria Kantor

    Gloria Kantor 04

    2004年毕业后,坎特运用了她的管理学学位和传播学学位 在电台促销方面有小手工制作经验,帮助建立葡萄酒和烈酒 目前在企业成长协会工作. 她在云顶集团大学的时候,你会发现她在SRC和女篮一起工作 team or as a student trainer. She also held numerous leadership positions in clubs, helping to create the programming board, and SGA. Gloria currently lives in her hometown 在那里,你可以看到她在音乐会、跑步或享受这一切 the city has to offer.

    John Nobriga

    John Nobriga ‘19

    诺布里加于2019年毕业于云顶集团大学,获得工商管理专业和双学位 minors in Music and Theatre. During his time, he was involved in many aspects of Goucher via student leadership roles; Student Government, Student Affairs and Activities, Residential Life, and Athletics. After graduation, Nobriga continues his work helping 另一些则加入了家乡湾区一家科技公司的客户服务团队 working on escalations and training programs for new employees.

    Laura Taylor

    Laura Taylor '94

    劳拉·泰勒1994年毕业于云顶集团大学,获得经济学和经济学学士学位 Russian. 毕业后,她在伊利诺伊州芝加哥市定居了几年 她曾在芝加哥期货交易所调查办公室担任调查员 and Audits. 她继续获得经济学硕士学位和博士学位,并加入 the faculty at Willamette University in 2005. In addition to her academic appointment, 她目前担任威拉米特大学学术财务副教务长. 在这个职位上,她向教务长、威拉米特学院院长、 并对校园内其他学术和行政单位进行战略性的领导 budgeting and resource planning. Laura maintains an active forensic economics consulting 同时也是审判辩护服务的无偿经济顾问 of the various branches of the U.S. military. Laura and her family reside in Portland, Oregon. 她是法裔美国人国际理事会的财务主管 School in Portland, where her daughter is now a 4th grader.

    Laura Zelley Van Riper

    Laura Zelley Van Riper ’89, P ’22

    劳拉毕业时获得了历史学位,并继续攻读教育学硕士学位 from Towson University in 1992. Her career has included teaching in Baltimore County 在公立学校担任中学社会学科教师并担任青年领袖 her local community. After raising her children, Laura and her husband relocated to 在佐治亚州亚特兰大,劳拉继续积极参与社会正义倡议. 她在当地活动中担任志愿者,并与监督组织密切合作 election reform in Fulton County. Laura is the proud mother of four grown children, including her youngest son, Steven, a 2022 Goucher graduate. She recently became a grandmother and enjoys spending time with her granddaughter.