• Campus Safety
  • Report a Concern
  • Silent Witness Form
  • Silent Witness Form

    The Goucher College Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing a safe, secure, and respectful campus environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Crime on our campus interferes with the learning process, disrupts the quality of life, and indirectly increases tuition. Yet we realize it can be uncomfortable for people who witness or are aware of criminal activity to report this information. To this end, we are providing a completely anonymous method of sharing information with our department. So whether you saw it, heard it, or merely heard about it, you can help us keep the campus safe by telling us.

    This form should not be used to report situations that require immediate attention. Campus Safety may not receive this form in time to provide assistance. If you are reporting a situation that requires immediate attention, call Campus Safety now at x6111.

    Although you can use this form to report a sexual assault, without your identifying information or that of the victim/survivor, the Office of Title IX may not have enough information to address the situation you have described. Appointments can be made with the Office of Title IX to discuss potential reports and identifying information does not need to be shared at these meetings.