• 金融援助
  • 形式 & 资源
  • 留学融资
  • 留学融资

    云顶集团 was the first college in the nation to require all undergraduate students to 出国留学 至少在毕业前一次. 我们认识到知识和技能是最好的 通过扩大学生的社区意识来实现. 今天,我们生活在一个全球性的 社区.

    The options are limitless -- you can study marketing in China, rural education in 南非语,或者俄罗斯语. 你可以去三个星期或一年. 发现可能性.

    现在我们来讨论一下融资方案. 这里是常见的问题和答案 designed to help families better understand the 出国留学 process as it relates 学生经济援助.



    If you are studying abroad in a 云顶集团 approved program your aid is processed the 就像你在校园里上课一样. 你必须尽早计划并满足所有要求 财政援助截止日期.

    If you are studying abroad in a non-云顶集团 approved program, federal financial aid may be processed for you using a consortium agreement if the host institution is a 第四章合格学校. 云顶集团 College may consider entering into a contractual agreement with a host institution that is either an ineligible 学校 or a foreign organization in order to process federal aid on your behalf. 云顶集团可能不会 process financial aid for students who attend a foreign 学校 directly or enroll 通过经纪机构的项目.

    I am considering spending a semester at another institution will this change my aid?

    It may be possible to take courses at another institution and receive aid for those courses from 云顶集团, however, only certain federal financial aid may be processed for you using a consortium agreement if the host institution is a Title IV eligible 学校. To qualify, your combined enrollment must equal at least six credits, and your academic advisor must approve your request to take courses at the other institution. If approved, the billing office will disburse your federal aid to you and you will be responsible for paying the tuition at the other 学校.

    Can my financial aid be used if I choose a non-云顶集团 sponsored program?

    云顶集团 institutional aid (including 云顶集团 merit scholarships and 云顶集团 grants) may be used to support a maximum of one semester of 出国留学 in 云顶集团 项目, a list of which is available in the Office of 全球教育.

    云顶集团 institutional aid may not be used to support 出国留学 in approved, non-云顶集团 项目, a list of which is available in the Office of 全球教育. 学生 should consult with the Office of 金融援助 to determine whether they may qualify for need-based assistance to support their study in approved, non-云顶集团 项目.

    云顶集团 institutional aid may not be used to support 出国留学 in non-approved 项目. 办公室 of 金融援助 will not process financial aid applications for non-approved 项目; students should consult with the program they wish to attend 确定是否可通过该计划获得援助.

    Is financial aid available for students participating in intensive 出国留学 项目 在冬天或夏天?

    办公室 of Student 金融援助 does not award federal or institutional need-based 为冬季或夏季项目提供财政援助. 学生可以获得奖学金 由全球教育办公室提供.

    Does 云顶集团 offer scholarships specifically for studying abroad?

    请浏览 全球教育办公室网站 or contact them for information regarding 出国留学 scholarships.

    Can I borrow an alternative private loan to help pay for my 出国留学 program?

    办公室 of Student 金融援助 will process alternative loans for students studying abroad during the fall or spring semester(s) through 云顶集团 approved 项目. 请注意 that the amount borrowed will be based on the academic year and disbursed in two equal installments for fall and spring in accordance with the college’s standard loan processing 政策.

    Can my financial aid be disbursed early to help cover program costs and airline tickets?

    学生 should plan to cover the costs and reimburse themselves after funds are available. Loans disburse in the fall and spring after the add/drop period.


    Funds will be applied to your student account during regular disbursement cycles. Exceptions may be made in extreme circumstances for students who demonstrate an inability to financially secure 出国留学-related requirements (airfare, etc.). 办公室 of 全球教育, 金融援助, and Billing will grant exceptions on a case-by-case 基础.


    If you are doing a non-approved program, you will be required to take a leave of absence 来自云顶集团. During the time that you are on a leave of absence, if your enrollment is not reported by another institution of higher education to your lender, 然后你的贷款将进入宽限期. 你有六个月的一次性宽限期 for your federal 工作人员ord loan(s) before entering repayment. 一旦你的假期超过 the six month (180 day) grace period, your loan will enter repayment and your first 付款将在45天内到期. 宽限期从你最后一天开始 attend classes and extends until the day classes begin - when your enrollment is reported 再一次。. Your loans may be deferred while you are in 学校 but payment will be due 在分离/毕业后立即.

    Where can I find more information about financing my 出国留学 program?

    If you have questions about financing your 出国留学 program contact finaid@psozxd.com, and we will arrange an appointment for you to speak with somebody either in-person 或几乎. 想了解更多关于留学项目的信息,请 联系全球教育办公室的工作人员 (全球教育办公室),电话:410-337-6455.