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  • Loans

    Federal Loans for Undergraduate Students

    Student as the Borrower

    Federal Loans for Undergraduate Students

    这些贷款也被称为“斯塔福德”贷款或“直接”贷款. Students who submit a FAFSA 有资格获得联邦援助的学生通常会自动获得联邦学生贷款 packaged for them, and then they 在云顶集团助学金系统中选择接受或拒绝贷款(Net Partner). 学生可以在接受之前通过更改金额来接受减少的金额. 第一次接受联邦贷款的学生也需要这样做 complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) 最后确定他们是否接受联邦贷款.

    Federal Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loans

    最高联邦贷款资格的总金额是基于所获得的 学分或学年(大一、大二、大三/大四). How much of the loan is subsidized or unsubsidized is based on financial need. Subsidized loans have better terms因此,学生应该首先接受补贴贷款,然后再接受任何非补贴贷款 as needed. 学生获得补贴贷款的最高资格是自动打包的 然而,对他们来说,如果有额外的经济援助(如助学金),这个数额有时会改变 as outside scholarships) is awarded later. If a student's subsidized loan eligibility 更改,那么他们总是可以选择接受任何剩余的金额 an unsubsidized loan.

    For more information visit the Federal Student Aid website.

    Parent as the Borrower

    Federal Parent PLUS Loans

    本科学生的家长可以申请一个 federal Parent PLUS loan. (The student must complete a FAFSA before a parent can apply.)如果获得批准,那么父母可以借到的钱最多不超过 总费用减去任何当前的经济援助. This is typically more than 既然你也可以从Goucher那里支付直接可计费的费用,你需要支付什么 借债以支付间接费用,如书籍和交通费用. If a parent is denied 联邦家长PLUS贷款,那么这通常使学生有资格借款 an additional unsubsidized loan. A parent may apply by logging in at studentaid.gov. (如果申请的父母不是电子签署该文件的父母 student's FAFSA, then they will first need to create their own FSA ID and password.) Please see our Parent PLUS Loan Tip Sheet (PDF) 有关申请过程的更详细说明.

    Apply for a Parent PLUS Loan


    Federal Loans for Graduate Students

    Graduate Student Borrowers

    Federal Unsubsidized Loans

    Graduate students who submit a FAFSA 并且符合所有基本联邦援助要求的人通常有资格获得联邦无补贴 student loans. 学生需至少在半小时内注册.5 credits) in 任何一个学期都有资格参加. After submitting their FAFSA, graduate students should 提交研究生预期入学表 to our office. 贷款将根据表格上显示的入学情况进行打包. 如果招生发生变化,云顶集团可能会被联邦政府要求对贷款进行调整 also changes the eligibility. 如果研究生中途退学或退课到一半以下 在贷款发放之前,他们不再有资格获得该期限的贷款. 在学生被告知贷款已经打包后,他们 在云顶集团助学金系统中选择接受或拒绝贷款(Net Partner). 第一次接受联邦贷款的学生也需要这样做 complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) 最后确定他们是否接受联邦贷款. The total dollar amount of federal 贷款资格取决于你的注册情况,并受联邦最高限额的限制.

    Federal Graduate PLUS Loans

    不能通过无补贴贷款满足借款需求的研究生 may also apply for a Graduate PLUS loan. A graduate student may apply online by logging in at studentaid.gov. 首次在云顶集团大学申请研究生PLUS贷款的借款人可能也需要填写 a separate set of Entrance Counseling and a PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) specifically for the PLUS loan.

    Apply for a Graduate PLUS Loan


    有关信息,请参阅联邦政府的网页 on interest rates and origination fees. Interest rates normally change on July 1 ,而发起费通常在每年10月1日更改.

    Private Loans

    我们建议在申请之前完成FAFSA并考虑所有联邦贷款选项 for private outside loans. 我们不做任何具体的建议,除了 to review the loan terms carefully. Most private loans do not have terms that are as good as the federal student loans.

    How much should I borrow?

    这取决于你是否借钱来支付 only your direct billable costs或者如果你想借更多的钱来帮助支付间接的自付费用 like books. Federal loans have origination fees,所以你需要借的比你需要的多一点. Remember to engage in responsible borrowing. 这些都是你需要偿还的贷款. You may review the 计算器和估计器部分我们的资源页 这些工具可以帮助你计算出要借多少钱.

    When do I accept my loans?

    应接受贷款(如有必要,完成MPN和入学咨询) 在帐单到期日前至少一周交回. Loans may be accepted 或者在学期结束前大约3周重新就职 they apply. (秋季12月1日,春季5月1日或整个学术 year. 学生需要学习并完成至少一半的课程.) 请注意,如果您做出付款安排,可能会收取账单办公室的滞纳金 基于有贷款,但未能完成所有必要的任务正式 在账单到期日之前接受并完成贷款.

    Loan Cancellation or Modification Policy

    作为联邦贷款借款人,您有权取消全部或部分联邦贷款 within 14 days of disbursement. 付款通常在2-3周后进行 classes start each semester. 如果您想取消或更改贷款,请 contact the financial aid office or complete and submit the appropriate Loan Modification/Cancellation form.

    Federal Perkins Loans



    Download: Student Loan Code of Conduct (PDF)