• Pilates Center
  • Private & Duet Sessions
  • Private & Duet Sessions


    Private Sessions

    Private sessions offer an opportunity to work one-on-one with an instructor and are designed specifically for the client based on their strengths, weaknesses, injury history, and fitness goals. These sessions utilize all of Joseph Pilates' unique apparatus and are for the individual who wants to focus on specific aspects of their workout. We offer 30 minute or 50 minute private sessions, which are by appointment only. Please schedule an appointment before purchasing a private session or lesson package. To schedule, email pilates@psozxd.com.


    Duet Sessions

    Duet sessions provide an opportunity for two individuals to work with an instructor. These sessions utilize Joseph Pilates' unique apparatus and offer an opportunity to share your Pilates workout with a friend, partner, or loved one. Duet sessions are 50 minutes and by appointment only. Please schedule an appointment before purchasing a duet session or lesson package. To schedule, email pilates@psozxd.com.


    • Play Video

      Come and enjoy a private or duet session with one of our expertly trained instructors. 


    More Information

    If you are a first time client, we kindly ask that you complete the Health Form before attending classes. 

    Read our Frequently Asked Questions to find answers to all your questions. Find information on our cancellation policy, attire and more on our Pilates Center Guidelines page. Still have questions? Email us at pilates@psozxd.com.


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